
Aug 2015 - Dec 2016

Program Website:

Sep 2011 - May 2015

Sep 2011 - May 2015

Professional Experience

May 2019 - Now

* Implement production algorithms for S&P credit analytics statistical machine learning extensively served as Capital IQ back-end programs on both Windows and Linux platforms used by worldwide S&P clients

March 2017 - May 2019

* Develop FX trading infrastructure using Python, C++, C#
* FIX (Pricing/Dropcopy), API (Rest, SOUP, RabbitMQ), trading platforms connection in C++, C#
* Develop tools for Traders, Supports, and Trading Operations
* Build online alert systems and web dashboards to display key data and configure trading settings using HTML,Javascript/JQuery, PHP, CSS/Bootstrap

Jan 2016 - May 2016

* Lead the team to perform algorithm model training on limit order books and trade records of high frequency Crude Oil futures and E-Mini futures
* Merged data in Python to generate 76 attributes including mid price, volume imbalance, weighed book price, time lag trade volume, etc. to prepare model training
* Modeled high frequency market via various machine learning models (Logistic Regression, Neural Network,SVM, Decision tree) in C++, Python & R to understand market pattern and make predictions market trends
* Backtested all training models in the test set with real high frequency data and achieved 86% accuracy
* Reimplemented and improved iceberg order detection algorithms to identify iceberg orders
* Summarized the weekly progress of the team and wrote weekly technical reports to CME supervisors