Batch - Note

Batch Script learning note

Posted by Becks on June 11, 2017

Internal or external command are buildin to cmd.exe command. Batch let you run program within the shell. cmd.exe inside C:/Windows/System32
如果直接双击 batch script without pause, it 可能闪退 without letting you see the output

mkdir dir1: make directory named as dir1
cd .. : jump back to the parent directory
rmdir dir1 : remove directory named dir1, 如果directory不是empty, 显示error: The directory is not empty.
rmdir /S : removes everything inside the folder 包括folder, used to remove a directory tree.
rmdir /S /Q : Quiet Mode, 功能与rmdir /S一样,但是不会问是不是要remove directory tree.
del dir1 : delete everything inside the folder,但是不会delete folder,需要再call rmdir dir1 去remove the folder
move : move [Y : /-Y] [path1]filename1 [path2]filename2 , 如果path1等于path2, 那么move 也等于rename, /-Y flag: 不让prompt confirm 当overwrite file的时候, /-Y prompt会confirm是不是要overwrite file
copy copy source destination : destination可以只是path,不用说具体名字,那么copy时候会保持文件/文件夹 名字一致
delete : /P 删除前prompt 会确认是否删除。 /s Delet from all subdirectories . /Q Quite mode 删除时候不会问
type Displays the contents of a text file or fiels 像linux 的cat exit /b 与goto :eof 功能一样 退出程序


dir #show everything inside the folder 

ver #show the version of Microsoft Windows

cls #clean cmd 

pause #wait to press input 

Data Type, varibles

Integer: 1 0 -1 -30 9000
Character: a b c d e
String: “Hey! My name is” (sometimes, we use 双引号,有时候不用双引号)

set varname=Howdy   #把varname 等于 Howdy

%varname% #显示'Howdy' is not recognized as a internal or external command

set varname="Howdy" #加quotation mark
echo %varname% #显示'"Howdy"'
#even though it is string, it still interpret quotation mark which we don't want that

Environment Variables

windows/batch has some stored variables, we can access this variables. They are called environment variables because these are variables stored in the environment

注: 假如我在prompt 中运行batch script(test.bat), batch script中有set aab=Hello. 即使我run 完script, 只要不关闭prompt, aab会一直存在cmd 中, echo %aab% 会打印hello

set #显示all the variables whindows track of 
echo %%COMPUTERNAME% #显示 电脑名字

set varname=Howdy 
set #打出的environment variables 显示varname=Howdy
set var #打出所有environment variables starting with var
set USER #打出所有environment variables starting with USER

String Concatenation

set string=becks 
set string+=wu #用+= string 依旧是becks
echo %string% #打印becks
#实际上,又建立了一个新的variable 叫string+
echo %string+% #打印wu

set string=%string% wu #string 现在是 becks wu (有空格)
%string% #显示'becks' is not recognized as an internal or external command
echo %string% #显示becks wu


echo Hello There #会打印出Hello There
echo "Hello There" #会打印出"Hello There"
echo #打印 echo is on
echo. #打印出一个konghang

Command Argument, Help

dir Desktop #显示Desktop的dir

vol ##显示C盘的volume Serial Number, default is C Disk
vol D:  #显示D盘的volume Serial Number

help #show every command

help dir #give dir 的help 所有可以用的flag 
dir /? #与help dir 效果一样


@ 作用: stop command from displaying within the prompt 在batch script中

@echo Hello Wolrd
echo Hello World

@ver, 只显示ver的结果,不会先打印ver, 再显示ver在cmd中,只显示ver的结果
@dir, 只显示dir的结果,不会打印dir 再显示结果在cmd中

Echo off

如果script用@echo off,不会display everything inside the batch, 只显示output

help echo #显示ECHO 可以 ON | OFF 
echo /? #与上面作用一样 

echo #显示ECHO is on. 

echo off #stop display prompty

echo on #turn prompt back on 

Escape Characters

%% scape %, ^<, ^> escape <>, ^^ escape ^

@echo off

set variable=PROBLEM

echo This is a  %%variable%% #显示This is a %variable%

#显示 >  < ^
echo ^<html^> #显示<html> 用^ escape <>

echo ^^ #显示^


SET /A 表示数学

注: 在prompt 中可以用 % (mod), 但在script中,对于mod需要 % escape %

@echo off

set sum=1+1 #把1+1设置成了string
echo The sum is %sum% #This sum is 1+1

set /?

set /a sum=1+1
echo The sum is %sum% #This sum is 2

set /a sum=5 * 2 
echo The multiplier is %sum% #This multiplier is 10

set /a sum=10 / 2 
echo The divider is %sum% #This divider is 5

set /a mod=10%3
echo The module is %sum% #This module is 1


set /a mod=10 %% 3
echo The module is %sum% #This module is 1


set /p 读取input from user

@echo off
set /p name=Please enter your name!
echo Your name is %name%; 

echo Please enter your name! #第一行显示 Please enter your name!,第二行输入
set /p name=
echo Your name is %name%; 

Label, Goto

batch won’t interpret when label is not starting position of each line

#echo off


cls #belong to another
ver #belong to another

:label #everything below label is part of label
#label is belong to another

vol #belong to label 


@echo off

echo This is the very beginning of the program!

goto :start #跳到start, print start, middle, end
goto :middle #跳到start, print middle, end
goto :end #跳到start, print  end

echo This is the START of the program!
#goto :end 跳到:end, 跳过middle

echo This is the MIDDLE of the program!

echo This is the end of the program!


rem 会读取这一行的内容,slowdown your execution of program, :: comment, 但这也是label, 因为是label,必须是beginning of line

@echo off 

ehco This is a script

rem This is a comment #rem 会读取这一行的内容 即使表示comment,slowdown your execution
help rem #显示REM [ comment]

:: This is comment/label! #comments, 但也是labels, 不会打印出来


%~1 as the function first input
goto : eof, finish current job, if main exit, if function (label), return to main
endlocal: delete all variable being seen from setlocal
Group command & 在function 结尾 endlocal & set /a x=%x% + 1 , x会更改main 中的x
pass value to function default pass to function is string, 如果想pass value 加上是百分号 %y%

@echo off 

goto :main #jump to main function 

    echo This is another function
goto :eof

    echo Main function is being called!
    call :function  #call another function
    echo End of main function
    echo End of program
goto :eof #end of file, goto eof 会exit

Function Arguments

@echo off 

goto :main #jump to main function 

    echo I am saying %~1  and %~2
goto :eof

    echo Main function is being called!
    call :say_something tiger boat #call another function, tiger is string, boat is string
goto :eof #end of file, goto eof 会exit

可以更改function的%~1 值,更改外面的variable

@echo off 
goto :main #jump to main function 

    echo    Changing a variable
    set variable=Value 
goto :eof

    echo    Changing a variable
    set %~1=Lunch
goto :eof

    echo Main function is being called!

    echo %variable% #显示Echo is off, 因为没有variable
    call :function_return
    eco The variable  is %variable%  #显示The variable new value is Value

    set new_var=Dinner
    call :change_variable new_var
    eco The variable is %new_var%  #显示The variable new value is Lunch

goto :eof #end of file, goto eof 会exit

local variable: setlocal, endlocal

@echo off

    echo  Func says %p% #显示The says is 4
    set x=30 
    echo Func says x is %x %#显示Func says X is 30
goto :eof

    echo Main function is being called!
    set p=4
    echo Main says p is %p% #显示Main says P is 4

    call :local_var
    echo Main says x is %x% #显示Main says X is (因为x在local_var中式local)

goto :eof 

script local scope: script不设置setlocal(不管是main 还是function, function 不设local,也会存进system_variable中), 只要不关闭prompt,script中 set的variable 设置的会在system_variable中

@echo off
goto :main

    set global_var=exisiting
goto :eof 

#上面的file run了之后,global_var会存在system variable中

    set global_var=exisiting
goto :eof 

return local, Group command & : 在function 结尾endlocal & set /a x=%x% + 1 , x会更改main 中的x

@echo off
goto :main

    echo Performing ADD ONE on x
endlocal & set /a x=%x% + 1   #group command, 先执行endlocal, 再执行x = x+1
goto :eof 

    echo Main function is running
    echo Setting X to 1 #显示Setting X to 1
    set /a x=1
    call :add_one
    echo The value of X is now %x% #显示The value of X to 2

endlocal #x 不会存进system 当run 完code, 因为endlocal 删除了 x, 即使add_one set不是 local 
goto :eof 

@echo off
goto :main

    echo Running 'add_one'
endlocal & set /a %~1=%~2 + 1   #group command, 先执行endlocal, 再执行x = x+1
goto :eof 

    set /a x = 1
    set /a y = 50

    echo Created variable X and set it to %x%

    call: add_one  y   %y% #pass y as first variable, pass value of y as second variable
    #如果pass y function 认为是string, 

    echo The value of y is %y% #显示the value of x is 51

endlocal #x 不会存进system 当run 完code, 因为endlocal 删除了 x, 即使add_one set不是 local 
goto :eof 


equ : ==
neq : !=
lss : < less than
leq : <= less than or equal
gtr : > greater than
geq : <= greater than or equal

if statement, 不用parathesis 来include condition 表示group command

else 需要在)的同一行接着,不能换在)下一个行 加else, 否则会报错

#echo off 

goto :main 

    set /a food=10
    set /a needed_food=10

    if %food%==%needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We have enough food
    ) else  (
        echo We do not have enough food!

    if %food% equ %needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We have enough food
    ) #end of if

    if not %food%==%needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We do not have enough food
    ) #end of if

    if %food% neq %needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We do not have enough food
    ) #end of if

    if %food% leq %needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We  have enough food
    ) #end of if

    if %food% gtr %needed_food% ( #beginning of if 
        echo We more than enough food
    ) #end of if

goto :eof


@echo off

goto :main 

    set /a food=50
    set /a needed_food=50
    set /a people=10

    set /a rations=5
    set /a all_food=%people%*%rations%

    if %food% geq %needed_food%(
        echo We have a good amount of food!

        if %all_food% leq %food% (
            echo We have enough food for all %people% peoples!
        )else (
            echo We do not have enough food for all these people!
    )else (
        echo We do not have enough food!

goto :eof

Delayed Variable Expression

在if statement 括号里,括号里是group command, in fact they are only one command. 如果用普通set 加上 %% 会报错 显示unexpected, 因为是one command, set 会在所有command 结束后才create variable,但是我们需要create variable right away to see if condition,需要加上setlocal enabledelayedexpension, 当call variable时候,需要用!, e.g. !food!, 对于echo 感叹号, 需要escape,e.g. Hello World ^^!

如果script a 有enabledelayedexpension, 即使script b 不说enabledelayedexpension, 但是script b被script a called, 所以b inherit a 的environment,也会有delayedexpension

@echo off
setlocal  enabledelayedexpension
goto :main


    echo Hello World ^^! #需要^^ escape !, 打出 Hello World!
    echo "Hello World!" #打出 "Hello World!"

    set /a food=50
    set /a needed_food=50
    set /a people=10

    set /a rations=5

    if !food! geq !needed_food!(
        echo We have a good amount of food!

        set /a all_food=%people%*%rations%

        echo !all_food!

        if !all_food! leq !food! (
            echo We have enough food for all !people! peoples!
        )else (
            echo We do not have enough food for all these people!
    )else (
        echo We do not have enough food!
goto :eof


Batch 不支持while, 需要用label + goto

@echo off 

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 

goto :main 


    set /a counter=0
    set /a limit=10

    if !counter! < lss !limit! (
        echo !counter!
        sete /a counter=!counter!+1
        goto :loop

goto :eof

For Loop

/l: %%g in (start, step, end)
/d : directory

%% : for %%i in 用于batch script (.bat)中 % : for %i in 用于prompt console 中, 不在script中


in batch script, specify %%variable instead of %variable. set () 中用space 分开表示不同的需要loop 的是variable, 如果用引号就表是set中只有一个variable需要loop 的

For Loop Number Syntax: for /l %%g in (start, step, end) . end 是include的

break For loop : 用 label + goto

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

goto :main 


    set string=Heloo world^^!
    echo !string!
    set /a test=3

    for %%g in  (1 2 3 4 5) do ( #需要%% 来表示variable, 
        echo %%g
        if !test! equ %%a (
            echo !test! in %%g

    for %%g in  (a b c d e) do ( #需要%% 来表示variable, 
        echo %%g
        if !test! equ %%a (
            echo !test! in %%g

    for %%g in  (This is a block of words) do ( #需要%% 来表示variable, space分开不同的string
        echo %%g #打印第一行This, 第二行is, 第三行 a ....
        if !test! equ %%a (
            echo !test! in %%g

    for %%g in  ("This is a block of words") do ( 
        echo %%g #打印第一行"This is a block of words" 有引号的
        if !test! equ %%a (
            echo !test! in %%g

    for /l %%g in  (1, 1, 20) do (  # /l   l-type, start, step, end, (1, 1, 20), 从1到20 每一次增加1
        echo %%g 

    for /l %%g in  (0, 5, 20) do (  # 0 -> 5 -> 10 -> 15 -> 20
        echo %%g 


    for /l %%g in (1, 1, 10) do (
        if %%g equ 5 (
            goto :loop_end
        echo %%g
    echo This is a End of Loop^^!

goto :eof

directory, file

/r display all folders and files and it will recursively loop all subfolder


/d: directory, 不能显示file,只能显示directory
* : wildcard with /d, display every directory
不能用. (表示现在的directory),需要用wildcard *


不用/d Flag
* : wildercard , display every file

File Content

/f : get info from file
default delimiter For loop is space
“delims=/”: 设置delimiter as / ; “delims=,”, 设置delimiter as ,
“skip=3”:读取时候跳过三行, 第1行读完,读第5行,再读第9行 “tokens=2,3,4 delims=,”: 设置delimiter as 逗号, 并读取每一行的第2,3,4 field
如果用%%g 在for loop, %%g, %%h, %%i, %%j, %%k 分别表示first,second,third,fourth,fifth field
/f + ’command‘ : 用单引号在括号中,可以用for loop 来loop command

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

goto :main 



    set string=Heloo world^^!
    echo !string!
    set /a test=3

    for /d %%g in  (*) do ( #/d display directory 但不display 任何file, * wildcard
        echo %%g

    for /d %%g in  (D*) do ( #/d display directory, D* any folder start with D
        echo %%g

    for /d %%g in  (D*s) do ( #/d display directory, D*o any folder start with D and end with s
        echo %%g

    for /d %%g in  ( . ) do ( #. 表示现在directory, 不会显示任何东西,因为需要用* wildcard
        echo %%g

    for %%g in  ( * ) do ( #display file 但不display 任何directory, * wildcard
        echo %%g

    for %%g in  ( *.bat ) do ( #display all batch file
        echo %%g

#File Content
#delims, skip, token, 
    for /f %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( #display content from csv, 但是因为default delimiter 是space,所以csv 每行只打印第一列然后就停了, 因为逗号后面和后面content 有空格 
        echo %%g

    for /f "delims=/" %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( #设置delimiter as /, display all content from csv
        #delims=/ display entirety of that of page,  会一行一行打印出来,遇到eof跳行
        echo %%g

    for /f "delims=/ skip=3" %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( 
        #/ skip 中间有空格,skip=3 表示skip 3行,结果会打印第1行,第5行 (2,3,4 skip 掉), 第9行...  
        echo %%g

 #tokens allow you to get pieces of information,
    for /f "tokens=*" %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( 
        #* get all information from the file
        echo %%g

    for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=," %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( 
        # tokens=2,3,4 只需要第二列,第三列,第四列所有的数据
        echo %%g #但只打印第二列的数据,因为 %%g 表示第二列,%%h 表示第三列,%%i 表示第四列

    for /f "tokens=1-9 delims=," %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( 
        #tokens=1-9第一列只到 第9列的, %%g 表示第一列, %%h 第二列, %%i 第三列, %%j 第四列, %%k 第五列
        echo %%g, who is %%i and bank at %%j

    #比如我们comment line 不想让它进for loop, ignore them
     for /f "delims=/ eol=#" %%g in  ( banks.csv ) do ( #当line start with #, skip the line
        echo %%g

#loop command
    for /f "delims=/" %%g in ( 'cd' ) do (#loop through command cd,
        echo %%g #显示现在路径

    for /f "delims=\ tokens=1" %%g in ( 'cd' ) do (#比如cd 是 C:\Users\ 因为\分行, 第一行就是C:, 然后只要第一个field
        echo %%g #只显示C

#string + token : to get piece of string
    for /f "tokens=1-9" %%g in ("This is a nice sentence") do ( 
        #tokens=1-9 to extract first to ninth term of the string
        echo %%g %%h %%i #显示This is a

    set string=This is a nice sentence
    for /f "tokens=1-9" %%g in ("!string!") do (  #与上面的for loop 功能 一样
        #tokens=1-9 to extract first to ninth term of the string
        echo %%g %%h %%i #显示This is a

goto :eof


: standard output

: appened
2> : standard error output
choice: ask you yes or no, 如果输入Y/N 是standard input
| : pipe, redirect the output of one command to the standard input of another command

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

goto :main 


    ::stdout 1 #it is a comment
    ::stderr 2 #it is a comment
    dir /b >  new_file.txt  #dir /b : show a simple output of all stuff in current directory 并输出到new_file.txt
    dir /b 2>  new_file.txt  #dir /b 2: only send standard error to the file

    dir /b >  new_file.txt 2>&1 #先output dir /b 到new_file.txt, 再output std err 到new_file.txt
    # >&1, 表示send output 到the file we already sent, 注意不要有空格

    echo Ahything we want^^! > new_file.txt #把Anything we want! output 到new_file.txt
    echo That was hilarious^^! > new_file.txt #append That was hilarious 到new_file.txt


    set file_name=new_file.txt
    echo y> !file_name!
    #echo y>  把y output 输出
    #echo y > 把y+空格 output 输出

    choice < !file_name! #把y send 到choice

# pipe 

    echo y|choice #pipe y 到 choice 

goto :eof

Working with File

dir *.bat #只显示所有的.bat的file
D: #比如现在 在C盘,nagivate 到D盘,不用cd, 直接打D:

move new_file.txt other_name.txt #move 相当于rename file 从new_file 变成other_name
move new_file.txt ..\ #把new_file 移动到 parent class folder
move ..\new_file.txt . #把parent folder中的new_file 移动到现在这个folder
move /Y folder folder_2 #把folder 给rename 成 folder2


copy new_file.txt other_file.txt #把new_file内容 copy 到other_file.txt, 如果没有other_file.txt 生层一个新的file

copy *.txt folder #copy 现在所有的txt file 到新的folder,名字与现在被copy 的保持一致

copy new_file.txt+other_file.txt new_folder #把现在directory中new_file 和other_file内容, 一起copy 到新的在new_folder 这个folder 中的new_file.txt

#如果不想用append, 用for loop

for %i in (new_file.txt other_file.txt) do (
    copy %i new_folder

copy new_file.txt D: #把现在文件夹下的new_file.txt copy到D盘


del file.txt #删除file.txt 
del /P file.txt #删除file.txt 与上一行不同的是,这个删除前会让你确认

del /S *.txt  #删除现在folder 和子folder 中所有的.txt file

type new_file.txt #打印所有content 到screen

Customized Prompt Console

color 第一个参数表示background color, 第二个参数表示foreground color 如果foreground 和 background 颜色一样显示 errorlevel to 1,但是color 只能暂时更改,当更改后,color会恢复原来的default. 如果想永远更改,需要右键properties, 但是右键properties改完后,比如你run admin的command 颜色还是default. solution: 可以create cmd shortcut 在desktop上,这样以后每次点这个short cut,更改它的properties 会固定了

command的properties 可以改比如按 ↑ 可以回多少个之前的command,buffer 存之前多少个command

color /? # 查color command syntax
color background-color foreground-color #syntax
color fc #背景是bright white, 字体是light red
color F0 #背景是bright white, 字体是Black
color #恢复default 背景字体颜色

colormsg c "Hellworld" #print Helloworld in red
colormsg 3a "Helloworld" #print Helloworld 字体是Aqua, 背景是Light Green


@echo off 

#因为prompt command 会change prompt 不能加setlocal 和 endlocal
prompt $C$S%USERNAME%@%COMPUTERNAME%$S$F_$P$S$G$S #$C left parenthesis,  $S space,  $F right parenthesis $P current drive and path, #G > greater-than sign, $_ 换行

#上面会改变prompt 每次输入时候,先打印 ( becks@windows ) 第二行会打印出现在的path >

prompt #把prompt 改成default


!var:~a,b! a>0 : 表示从左向右的第a个位置开始
a<=0 : 表示从右向左的第a个位置开始
b>0 : 表示从位置a开始 向右侧b个substring
b<0 : 表示从位置a开始 向左侧b个substring

!var:cat=dog! #把var中所有的cat 用 dog 代替

%~I - expands %I removing any surrounding quotes (“)

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

goto :main 


    set var=This is totally a string 
    echo !var:~8! #print: totally a string  
    echo !var:~2! #print: This is totally a string 
    echo !var:~8,7! #start at position 8 and length 7, print totally
    echo !var:~0:4! #This

    echo !var:~0:-6! #start from end and length 6, print string, -6 length 从右向左, print string
    echo !var:~6:6! #start from 倒数第6位,然后从左向右的六个substring


    set var=The cat in the hat ate the mat
    set var=!var:cat=dog #用dog 代替所有的 cat, 并assign 给var
    echo !var:hat=raincoat! #用raincoat 代替所有的hat 
    echo !var:hat=! #把所有的hat 去掉

#string quotation 
#useback + %%~g: only get the string surround 比如 "More information, more " word " 不会移除more 和word之间的引号,只移除两边的引号,

    set string="TEXT"
    for /f "useback tokens=*" %%g in (!string!) do set string=%%~g  #string 是被remove双引号, 

goto :eof

create string function

#命名file 为create_string.bat
@echo off

#Create String Function 
set string=%2
set /a takeaway=5
for /f "useback tokens=*" %%g in ('%string%') do set string=%%~g 

echo %2 > %TEMP%\tempfile.txt #%TEMP% is the temporarily folder in windows

for %%g in (%TEMP%\tempfile.txt) do (
    if %string% equ %%~g ( #
        set /a takeway=3
    set /a @1_length=$$~zg - 5  #$$~zg to get length of vriable, -5 to get rid of some character which we don't care about
del %TEMP%\tempfile.txt #delete the temporary file
set %1=%string%   #设置第一个传入function 的参数

command script 
> create_string.bat four "lines" 
> echo %four% #返回lines (没有引号)
> echo %four_length% #返回5


@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
goto :main

    call create_string var "This is some text!"
    echo !var!
    echo !var_length!

goto :eof


@echo off
#even if we don't say setlocal enabledelayedexpansion, but we will use !var!, because it inherit the environment from the script calling

:: create_string name "delimiter" "content"
:: create_string grocery_list " " "Apples Bananas Meat" #

goto :main


    call create_string delimiter %2
    call create_string content %3

    set /a offset=0
    set /a index=0

goto :eof


chmod 755 file.txt #give user read, write execute(7), give both group and othe group read and execute access

Bash Script

Script: txt file contain sequence of command

nano #open editor 

#! /bin/bash  #需要contain location of bash
which bash #会告诉哪里有bash,give location 

./ #./ 是去run bash script
#显示permission denied 因为file created not have execute permission 

chmod +x #give permission for all groups
./ #显示会成功

which & what

which: where software/command located

what: display short manual page description

#which ls #give location where ls command located

which firefox # location of bash
which bash # location of bash

whatis ls # short description, to know what ls doing command
whatis grep #short description, to know what is grep command


create user

useradd the_name_of_user #syntax

sudo useradd mark -m -s /bin/bash -g users -c "my comment"
#-m:  create default home directory for this user
#-s /bin/bash allow usesr to use shell
#-g assign group, default group is users
#-c "my comment" provide comment to user 
#-G assign/give user defined group
#sudo: because you don't want anybody create user, only root can create user

sudo passwd mark  #change password for user


sudo userdel mark #delete user mark (username, password, data), not delete home directory for user

sudo userdel -r mark #delete user (home directory, username, password, data)

sudo -r /home/mark/  #remove all the data from user

groups, groupadd, groupdel

group show which group is currently user connected to

groups #show which group is currently user connected to

cat /etc/group #show all the group in your system,  group <-> user connected to 

sudo groupadd Java #add newgroup in system
sudo groupdel Java #delete existing group

#-a add user to group, -d remove user from group
sudo gpasswd -a mark Java # add mark to the Java group
sudo gpasswd -d mark Java #remove user from Group


bashrc is a script executed whenever a new terminal session start in interactive mode

some linux system, .bashrc file exist when a new terminal session start. Some not

Bashrc file is used for setting up environment variable such as Java. When use git, which repo you checked or cloned, use Bashrc

ls -a #在home directory ls -a 可以看见有.bashrc

nano .bashrc #查看.bashrc
gedit .bashrc #查看 .bashrc

可以修改 .bashrc file 比如加上alias ls=’ls –color=auto -l’, 之后open new terminal, 输入ls, 显示long list of ls

du, df, free

View Resources

df #the amount of disk space being used by your file system
df -h #the human readable output, 显示多少G, M, k

du #estimate and display the disk space used by files in details
du -h #human readable format
du -sh #-s summary 只给你现在所在directory 文件所占的大小
sudo du -sh #用sudo 原因是因为可能有的file permission denied 需要用sudo 
du -sh /etc/ #show summary used space by etc folder

free #display the total amount free and used physical and swap memory in the system as well as buffer in the kernel
free -b  #-b btye, -k KB, -m MB, -G GB, -T TB


run scripts for command at a regular interval or repeatedly

watch free -m #可以看见几秒会更新一次
Ctrl + C #exit watch command
watch -n 1 free -m #让free -m command run every 1 second
watch -n 0,5 free -m #让free -m command run every 0.5 second

head tail

Head: output the first part of the file Tail: output the last part of the file

head log.txt #show first 10 line of file 
tail log.txt #show last 10 line of file 

head -n3 log.txt #show first 3 lines of file
head -3 log.txt #跟上面一样

tail -n3 log.txt #show last 3 lines of file
tail -3 log.txt #跟上面一样

tail -f log.txt #output last 10 lines of file. watch the file, whenever file change, will show last 10 lines of code
ctrl + C #exit 
head  log.txt kern.log #先print 10 lines of log.txt 再print 10 lines of kern.log

head -3 log.txt kern.log #先print 3 lines of log.txt 再print 3 lines of kern.log


find location -name file_name #syntax

find /home/ -name #-name search by name, return directory 
find /home/dir1 -name test.* #search in /home/dir1 folder by name, any file start with test. 可以是.txt, .sh
find /home/dir1 -name *.txt #search any file extension is txt
find / -name dmesg #search in the root directory, 也许有permission error 因为有些directory 不允许access
sudo find / -name dmesg 

find /home  -mtime -1  #look at the file created 1 days before, 也可以用加号,+1, + 2


wc: world count, print a count of lines, words and characters for each files

wc test.txt #打出#lines, #words, #characters
wc -c test.txt #只打出#characters
wc -l test.txt #只打出#lines
wc -w test.txt #只打出#words

wc -L test.txt #只给出number of character in longest line

1, 6, 42: 1 number of line, 6 number of words, 42 number of characters


show conventially formatted calendar on your command line

cal #显示calendar, weekday on the top
ncal  #显示calendar, weekday on the left 
cal 2016 #显示2016的calendar
cal 2 2016 #显示2016年 2月 calendar
cal -3 #give you current month, previous month and next month calendar
#default 是 -1, 比如cal, 等于cal -1


used to print out and change system date and time information

date #print 现在系统的时间

date -s "11/20/2003 12:48:00" #设置system time 为 11/20/2003 12:48:00

date +%d%h%y #显示13Jan17

date +%d/%h/%y #显示13-Jan-17

man date #可以显示详细的date format的格式

date "+Date: %m/%d/y%n" #显示01/13/17 %n 是空行线


Run Multiple Terminal(; && || )

#; sequence matter 
ls; pwd #先run ls 再显示pwd
date; cal ; pwd #先run date, 再run cal, 再pwd

#如果有中间一个command 是错的
date; CAL;  pwd #date, pwd run 成功了, CAL 会显示command not found 

#&& sequence matter, 顺序一个接一个
ls && pwd && date && cal #先run ls, 再pwd, 再date, 再cal

ls && CAL && pwd #先run ls, CAL error, not run pwd

ls || pwd #如果第一个command 成功了,不会run 第二个command

CAL || pwd #CAL command failure, pwd 会被run

Difference: ; run every command regardless success/failure of each command. && 如果中间的failure, does not go to the next command


apt-get(urbantu): install, uninstall, update packages. apt: advance packaging tool

对于centos: 用yum, dnf instead of apt-get

sudo apt-get update #resync your local package file to the server package file, update all the packages

java -version #check if java installed, and if so check version
php5 -version #check if php installed, 如果没有install 会给出install的hint

sudo apt-get install php5 #安装首先what is required extra dependency to install php5, 也会显示多少space required to install
php5 -v #显示php5 version

sudo apt-get remove php5 #remove php5
sudo apt-get remove --purge php5 #remove all configuration file related to php5
sudo apt-get autoremove  #auto remove the dependency which required for the package(php5) and no longer needed for other packages


ifconfig: interface configuration: used to view and change network interface configuration on your system

ifconfig #show you some output

ifconfig eth0 #only show eth0 interface

#up, down to disable internet connection 
sudo ifconfig eth0 down #internet connection will be down

sudo ifconfig eth0 up #enable internet 

ethO: wired internet cable
WLAN0: wireless internet connection
0: is the first internet interface. 如果有multiple internet interface, 显示eth1, or WLAN2 l0: loop back interface. An interface that system use to communcate to excel


tar: Tape Archive, compress and extract file

tar -cvf test.tar test #cvf: create verb, f filename, 把test folder compress 成命名为test tar 压缩文件
tar -xvf test.tar #xvf x: extract v verb, f filename,  把test.tar extract 压缩文件

#有时候用 tar.gz  gz stands for gzip format

tar -cvfz test.tar.gz f.txt #z 表示生成gz file, z必须在c flag 之后, 压缩文件成tar.gz 
tar -xvfz test.tar.gz f.txt #解压 gz 文件

man tar > tar.txt #把tar 的man output 到tar.txt 中


grep: global regular expression print. can be used to search pattern / word in a text file or a number of text file with grep command

man tar > file.txt 

grep "options" file.txt #keyword I want to search and file name, 
#grep 是case sensitive的, 上面的search options 不会search Options,

grep -i "options" file.txt #make search not case sensitive, 也会search Options

grep -n "options" file.txt #在file 中search并显示file.txt的options, 并显示在哪行

grep -n "Some options" file.txt #在file 中search并显示Some options

#used in multiple files
grep -n "Some options" f1.txt, f2.txt f3.txt f4.txt #在多个file 中search并显示Some options
grep -n "Some options" * #在现在folder中的所有file search并显示Some options 的行

grep -nv "Some options" f1.txt #显示f1.txt 不包含Some options的行

grep -help #显示有的flag, options 用grep command


netstat is to display network connection, routing tables and a number of network interfaces, and view network protocal states

netstat -a #show all connections which are available on your system whether it is TCP or UDP or UNIX connection,
#上面aslo display the status if it connected, listening, or established

# | means after | whatever second command is used will implement the output of the first command  
netstat -a | less #use the output of netstat to display with less command 

netstat -at | less #-t means just show the TCP connection

netstat -au | less #-u means just show the UDP connection

netstat -l | less #-l means just show listenning state

netstat  -lt | less #-lt means just show listening and TCP connection

netstat -lu | less #-lu means just show listenning and UDP connection

netstat -s | less  #-s show the statistic of connection, you can see which type of connection it is and properties of the packet what is happening

netstat -st | less #-st show the statistic of TCP connection

netstat -su | less #-su show the statistic of UDP connection 

netstat -pt | less #-pt show PID of TCP connection 

netstat -px | less #-px show PID of UNIX connection

netstat -n  | less #-n show the numeric port of connection

netstat -c # show the connection continuously, it refresh by itself

netstat -ie   #-ie extended interface, it is the same output as ifconfig 

netstat -an | grep ":80"  #-an show numeric port of all conection and search which port has :80