
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving

Bash Script - Note

Bash Script learning note

Bash 介绍 vim #! 是说明 hello 这个文件的类型,有点类似于 Windows 系统下用不同文件后缀来表示不同文件类型的意思(但不相同)。 Linux 系统根据 #! 及该字符串后面的信息确定该文件的类型,可以通过 man magic命令 及 /usr/share/magic 文件来了解这方面的更多内容。 #!/bin/bash这一行是表示使用/bin/...

cmake - Note

Cmake learning note

Config in Mac use keyboard input Command + Shift + P then type cmcon to choose cmake c++ kits If Show Error to configuring project, Check if Cmake installed. Run cmake --version . If not in...

Stochastic Calculus

Stochastic Calculus, Itô's lemma

1 Stochastic process In probability theory and related fields, a stochastic or random process is a mathematical object usually defined as a family of random variables. Many stochastic processes ...

Option Trading


note from Sheldon Natenberg Basic Concept forward contract: A forward contract is an agreement between a buyer and seller whereby the price is negotiated right now, but the actual exchange ...

Test Github Site locally with Jekyll


Install ruby, jekyll bundler ruby ruby --version #if version is lower than 2.2, install ruby as below ruby Even if have ruby installed, need to install below command. brew install chruby ruby...

Git - Note

版本管理库 Git learning note

## fetch and merge origin git fetch origin/master git rebase origin/master #push After rebase git push --force-with-lease orgin branch1 git clean -fd: remove untracked directories / files. #-fdL...

Matlab Syntax

Matlab Syntax Lookup Guide

Class Abstract Class Class is Abstract classes if(满足任意一个,即是) Abstract class attribute Concrete subclasses must redefine any properties or methods that are declared as abstract. ...

C++ in Linux

linux learning note

GCC Option 解释 -c 只compile, 不链接成为可执行文件, 通常用语编译不包含主程序的子程序文件 -o output_filename 如果不给这个选项, GCC 给出预设可执行文件 a.out -g ...